Introducing Jaunt – “Document technology meets AI”

Career update: I’m headed back to the startup world!

Introducing Jaunt – the new, AI powered way to share documents, slides and pdfs on the web.

TechCrunch wrote about it! Check out the post.

We’re going back to a space that has been left behind by others – formats like videos, photos, podcasts are cranking down furiously on innovation, but documents seem stuck in the past! We think this opportunity fits our skills, interests and temperament… we’re venturing out to take another stab at it!

Why now?

Because AI has brought “text” as a format back in action! We are witnessing AI kinda rewrite the entire web landscape, and textual content is the foundational block of this rewrite! So much of human expertise, ideas and knowledge is stashed away in pdfs, documents and slides lying around on peoples computers and mobiles.

We built SlideShare and it was successful in capturing the zeitgeist of its times! But unfortunately it never kinda reached its true potential – #bigtech acquisitions don’t always pan out the way the founders visualized the opportunity (that’s another story to tell sometime!)

But for the founding team – we still are believers in the idea (think “fall in love with the problem, not the solution”). And the idea itself has morphed and grown in its scope – sharing of documents in a AI first, mobile centric world!

Check out this blogpost… captures some of our thoughts around this topic!

Signup for Jaunt

And I need all your blessings….. starting up again at this career stage (as I’m discovering!) is a different cup of tea ?

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